Saturday, November 19, 2011

Want Your Ex Boyfriend Back? Don't Get Blinded by Emotions!

If you are starting to feel as though you are just pushing your ex-boyfriend away instead of winning the game of getting him back then this is for you! I've got a get your ex back tip that will not only help you get him back, but help you not push him away forever!

Get Your Ex-Boyfriend Back Mistakes

The reason you found this article is because you are SERIOUS about getting your ex boyfriend back. In fact, you may be TOO SERIOUS! What I mean is that you may be so serious about getting him back that you have now become anxious and behaving in a way that will not win him back, but instead will push him further away.

Your ex boyfriend is not going to respond to your anxious behavior in a good way. Nobody wants to receive that kind of desperate pressure from their ex, and no one finds it attractive.

Some things you may be doing to your ex-boyfriend are:

Calling him continuously.Constantly text messaging him.Harassing him on Facebook.Constantly asking his friends to talk to him.Crying, whining, or begging for him back.Trying to make him feel bad by being depressed or by crying around him.

These are all tactics that are going to push your ex-boyfriend further away instead of allowing you to win him back, and if you want to get him back you need to stop doing them now!

Here's a Better Plan To Get Your Ex-Boyfriend Back

First of all, your anxiety about the relationship is not going to go away until you give yourself some space from your ex. I know it sounds cliché, but it's only cliché because it works! When you give yourself some space you can focus on yourself and the issues you need to deal with instead of focusing on the tragedy of the breakup.

It will be hard to do this at first, but you will find that the more you take your focus off of your ex-boyfriend and put it onto yourself, the better you will feel. Your mind will clear up and you will see things without the emotional charge behind them. That means that you will see things in a more realistic way.

During this time you will be able to realize what you did wrong, and what your ex did wrong, and come up with a plan to fix the situation. Also during this time your ex will start to view you in a new light because you will not be constantly trying to win him back. He may start to miss you and he may start to solve the relationship issues as well, which will result in the both of you having a new plan of attack towards a healthy relationship.

Don't let yourself slip back into your anxiety during this time. Remember that in order to have a better relationship you need to tackle the relationship issues that broke you up in the first place, and you can't do that unless you see them clearly for what they are, so avoid contacting him and letting your emotions get in the way of your rational thinking.

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Does Your Ex Ignore Your Phone Calls? After You Use These Tricks Your Ex Won't Dare to Ignore You!

Do you want to stop a breakup? Have you and your lover broken up already, but you want to get your ex back? Do you feel lost and need some real tricks to get your partner back into your life? If you have answered yes to any of those, but you can't ever seem to get your ex to return your phone calls or talk to you, then these tricks will help you to pull your ex back super fast...

Step #1: Don't give your ex that much attention- Really, he/she doesn't deserve it just yet! Now, I say this, because any attention you give your ex now will only BACKFIRE! Yes, that's right! The reason for this is because he/she will end up taking you for granted. You will then be putting your ex on a pedestal, unknowingly, which means that any attempt you actually make to get your ex back will fail. Therefore give some space, and actually don't even dare be afraid to even ignore your ex.

Step #2: Send your ex an SMS after some time- After you have given your ex the needed space, send your ex an SMS. The reason you should send an SMS, versus meeting in real life or calling your ex, is because he/she will actually read it. Whereas, if you were to call they could ignroe you, or simply turn there phone off. So, send this message:

"Hey, I just wanted to let you know that you were right about the break up. It has really made a huge difference in my life now, and I am doing a lot of things now that I never would have done otherwise. So many exciting things, and guess what"

When you end the text off abruptly, by saying "...and guess what", this will instantly pull your ex in to find out exactly what it is that you wanted to say. He/she will not be able to resist their curiosity now, and will be calling you back shortly.

Warning: Your Ex Is Very Near To Having Sex With Someone Else Soon... If you do not take action now, your ex will be lost forever to someone else! I am about to share with you the secret way to get your ex crawling back to you instantly; no matter how bad the situation is. No more ignoring, no more games; from this point on your life will never be the same.

Bulk SMS Software(a.k.a. Text Messages) are quickly becoming the hottest way to market products and services.  By putting your advertisement directly in the hands of your customer you drastically increase response rates and boost sales overnight.

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Why Rebounds And No Contact Work In Your Favor When You Want to Get Your Ex Back

If the person who gets dumped stays around to try to be friends with the dumper, it's a lot easier for the rebound relationship to flourish. Why? Because someone else is taking up the slack, someone who knows the dumper much better. Eventually the rebound learns enough to get into the dumpee's spot and then the dumpee's pushed out of the relationship totally.

So if the ex is someone you've been in a long term relationship with, and you've gotten into the attachment stage, you're still in the attachment stage even after the split (especially if it was an unaggressive split). The dumper is in the honeymoon stage with the rebound relationship, giving them the best of both worlds - and it's great for the rebound as well. If you hear people say they're torn between two loves, this is typically what they are referring to.

You can be in love with both, but at different stages in your relationship. So they get the excitement of a new relationship along with security from the old one. This is why affairs in normally strong relationships can happen as well.

You will often hear this if you hear the dumper's side of the story. They'll say you're like my best friend, brother, sister, etc. They love you. But they aren't IN love with you. This is the attachment phase of a relationship. The rebound is sexually exciting and fun and thus they want to be with the rebound, not with you. If you don't believe me, look around objectively at relationships you've seen.

Ones where people are always fighting and breaking up and cheating and yet they still stay together. Consider women who love men that are always up and down and have no future. Look at men who are with weird needy women who treat them like crap. Or women who go out with peniless bad boy bikers.

It all boils down to sexual excitement and attraction, plain and simple. So let's say you're the dumpee and you want your ex back. You MUST go low contact or no contact if possible. If you're in a good place with your ex, then don't just suddenly go NC, instead do it gradually. So if your ex panics that you're suddenly gone, you dont have to be completely gone - just taking a back role.

When you go no contact, let your ex know, and do it in a considerate way. Tell them that you need space and time to move on. Wish them the best and hope that they truly succeed in their new relationship. They may ask if you want to be friends in the future, say that you don't know if it's a good idea, but that the future is always uncertain. Leave it there - that's all you need to do.

Now your job is to get fit, improve your life, date other people, get out and socialize, etc. Genuinely do start moving on in your life. If your ex does in fact come back into your life later on, which they will if you had a good connection with them, then the new you - the attractive and self sufficient one - will really hook them. They will start thinking about being with YOU again. This is a big point for a man.

Your ex girlfriend leaves you telling you she felt you were too much a boy. Well, she finds you a man six months after, and then you have HUGE points with her and she will be interested in you intimately. This will increase your air of mystery to her and surprise her.

No, you can't MAKE your ex fall in love with you, but you can improve the odds of them coming back to you. Your chances are way higher with an ex because they already know you. Your time apart will be in your favor because you'll instantly hook them as they'll be attracted to the new you much more quickly.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

5 Signs Its Time to End Your Relationship

In our heart of hearts, we always know when a relationship is ending. Sadly, people avoid and ignore the signs - staying in relationships long past their expiry date. Why? Breaking up is painful and people would rather delay dealing with it and avoid feeling the pain for as long as possible.

If you are unhappy and in a relationship you sense isn't serving you any longer, then read on. Also, please know this is a very brief synopsis of each sign. I could easily have written pages about each one but only have limited space here. If, after reading this article, you feel you need more in depth guidance and support, be sure to take me up on my offer at the end, ok?

1) Fighting
Has your relationship become a battleground? If so, then the only thing you have left in common is conflict. When you're at this point, the relationship is no longer nourishing you, instead it's depleting you. Fighting can be healthy within a flourishing relationship, but continual repetitive purposeless arguments with nothing being resolved indicates the relationship is over.

2) Small Common Ground
When all the things that connected you in the beginning are now replaced with a multitude of differences. You may find all the activities, habits and even where you want to vacation no longer align.
The most common place this shows up is in time. One partner feels daily intimate connection is vital, while the other prefers just weekends.

3) Boredom
Another way to tell it's over is when your waking up depressed, vaguely disconnected and blue. You're not sure what's the matter with you, nothing terrible has happened, you just have an overall feeling of hopelessness and very little joy in your life. This often means the essential vitality in your relationship is gone and you're not "in love" any more.

I want to point out there is a big difference between comfortable familiarity and boredom. The best metaphor is the difference between a comfortable pair of shoes and old shoes that have worn out and hurt your feet. Check in and see which shoe fits YOU.

4) Emotional Distance
This is when you become aware that the person you've been relating with is no longer there when you reach out to make contact. Any attempt to have a conversation consistently illicits a negative response. This is what people mean when they refer to "a lack of communication". When communication has broken down (verbal, sexual, emotional, affection) this is experienced as emotional distance.

5) Moving Away
Many relationships that have gone past their expiry date really collapse when there's a change in geography. Habits and routines are often the glue that binds and supports a relationship. For this reason, a relationship that is ending will be severely impacted with a change in location. The relationship was being held together by the house, the neighbourhood or town.

Couples will buy and build their dream house and, once moved in, the relationship falls apart. It may look like moving was the problem, but actually the breakdown was already occurring long before.

If one or more of these points is resonating, then we should probably talk. I've successfully helped many women smoothly transition either back to the honeymoon stage as well as expertly guide others to release a relationship in the most loving, least painful and conscious way. 

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Will I Get Her Back by Fixing Her Problems, FAQs

Hi there, and welcome to another article in my FAQ's series. I received a letter from a reader asking "Will I get her back if I can fix [her problem/problems]. (Note - I won't share what my reader imagines "her problems" to be - they are not truly the issue for them anyway.) But the whole notion of fixing "anything", brings up a point I would like to expand on. Men and woman view issues vastly differently and a better understanding of these differences will help you get her back.

When I speak of the fundamental differences in men and women, I'm referring to how men and women differ in their thought process, how we communicate differently and the different ways we are attracted to in one another.

Typically females develop the creative side of their brain faster leading to enhanced feelings of love, communication and the importance of relationships. Yep, they like to cuddle more, feel love deeply and enjoy being taken care of.

While men develop the left side of the brain faster, the logical side. Which means we like to solve problems, build stuff, and figure stuff out. We like to fix shit! Our sense of value is based on producing results. Her sense of value is more based on "feeling".

One of women's biggest complaints is "You're always trying to change me". They want empathy and we offer solutions. We assume that if we can just fix them, or the problem, that it shows our love. Women most often just want us to sincerely listen to them.

As men we often hear "You don't listen"! Of course we aren't "really listening" we are busy trying to fix the dam problem.
Don't go about trying to get her back as something that needs "fixed", it won't work. She has to see you in a different light than she is seeing you now.

The things you value as important are not the same things she puts much value on. You have to understand she values love, communication, the ability to listen and the strength of her relationship. Were you giving her these? Or were you trying to "fix" things instead?

She is not a broken screen door that needs repaired. When she is upset she doesn't necessarily expect you to "fix things" she just needs you to listen. Many arguments and fights can be avoided simply by listening to her.

Here's a quick example:

Bob has been really worried about getting a big promotion at work and has doing a few extra things at work and has been getting home a little late on occasion.

Tammy has had a bad day and barks at Bob when he arrives home late - again!

Bob is immediately offended because he knows how this promotion would cure many of their financial concerns and very logically explains this to her, again! He leaves it at that and assumes the issue has been "fixed". bob is a tad annoyed at her not appreciating the extra work he is doing....

Therefore,Bob never really heard what Tammy was really saying, and they end up bickering the evening away.

Let's play this out another way….

Bob arrives home, and when met with by an irritated Tammy, he stops and realizes that she is really saying something other than "you're late".

Bob realizes that he really has been neglecting Tammy because of work.

Bob: (giving Tammy a hug) Damn baby, I really have been spending too much time at work and not enough with you, I‘m sorry I‘m made you feel unappreciated!

Tammy (visually in a better mood already): Oh Bob, it's just that I miss you and I know you are trying really hard to get that promotion at work. Forget I said anything.

Bob: (looking sincerly into her eyes) No, I love you and you do as much as I do and I really do appreciate that. You mean everything to me.

Tammy: Awww, It's just that I had a really bad day, and no one appreciates me at work. I shouldn't take it out on you.

Bob: Baby, tell me what happened at work….

And they go on to have a meaningful conversation that leaves them feeling reconnected, instead of another night of arguing and bickering.

In summary, when asking "Will I  get her back" be aware of these differences when communicating about anything important. Remember the things that are important to her; love, communication, the ability to listen and the strength of her relationship.

View more of the FAQ‘s series here… UK Dating Website, Dating In London, Dating For Disabled UK, Disabled Dating Website, Date A Millionaire, Date The Rich, Disabled Dating Site, Adult Dating Website, Naughty Dating, Soulmates Dating Buddies, Midnight Love, Online Dating Website, Senior Dating Website, Mature Dating, Christian Dating Singles Soulmates Dating Buddies, Midnight Love, Hookup Heaven Adult Dating. Visit now and register for the optimal chance of finding the right partner for you. Source.

Monday, November 14, 2011

How to Recover Your Ex girlfriend or wife and keep you in love with what was?

So you may have made some stupid mistakes or accidents in their relationship. You may have done something very, very bad or many small and simple which also resulted in the bachelor again.

How hard is life, drink and move on? Maybe, but you may want to get back with your girlfriend and win her heart again. 

You are saying: "I want my girlfriend back, want my ex is back in my life. I want with my ex."

Yes, I know what you're thinking, but do you really want the relationship was new, or if you want a better relationship with her when she returns? If you ask me, I would say you want your love back, you want the person who was your girlfriend back, you want to be with her again, but I really do not think I want the same respect back.

Well, now that we've established what you want to do really, we will explore ways to win back your ex. Let's explore some strategies on how to get your ex girlfriend or wife. I will show you how to win back your ex, not make you look weak or wimpy.
Do this first:

First, you should take some time to do a self evaluation of your life and the whole situation.

When a relationship ends, the mind and body always wants to go back to the person. But over time we realize that these feelings were only temporary and that the relationship can not be the best thing in our life right now. So the first thing to do is take a few days or weeks to determine their status and position.

Because this article is about how to get your ex girlfriend or wife, is about how to regain their former and not the way to get over your ex.

To get your ex girlfriend, requires patience, because the worst thing you can do is be impulsive, head of the nut or a hen. Women hate a coward, and I do not care much what emotions still have them, you have to look strong and in control.

No This Second

After evaluation, if you decide to return to his ex, the reconstruction of friendship is the second thing I want to do. You will have to start spending time with his ex just as friends, nothing heavy here. This will keep confusion and hostility of age in the distance.

Hey, you're starting in the reconstruction of a bond, you are trying to rediscover. You have to work the next friendship and rebuild that link first.

Make a few chance encounters, may be alone or with a group of friends. Just being in his presence or in a situation where she feels comfortable and not feel pressured.

She will have to quiet your mind before it can pass the decision to get back with you.

You must do this:

Believe me when I say that patience in this area is going to win his heart back in time. And what about the many ways to win, patience is the main know how to get ex girlfriend back.

Do not rush to make that spark happen. This will create more tension and problems will arise and can ruin your chances of winning your ex girlfriend.

Also, do not go to many appointments in a short space of time either. You should space the dates, and most of the time waiting for her to call and launch date. This will be a good sign that is warming you and I enjoy her company.

These are some early advice contained in the blog How to Get Your Ex Girlfriend or Wife. If you wish, you can access and consultation.

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

What Is She Up To? Why You Have to Stop Wondering What Your Ex Girlfriend Is Doing

One of the worst things that can happen to someone after a break up is becoming obsessive about the other person. And you know what? It's one of the easiest traps to fall into. Your mind works in funny ways sometimes, and when you feel like you are missing someone, it will make you think about them again and again. You can take some steps to stop that, though.

Here's why you do not want to think about your ex girlfriend too much:

1) Obsession is good as a cologne, horrible as a personality trait.

The only time that you should be smelling of obsession is when you are wearing the cologne, and even then you should not smell too strong of it. Seriously, though, as a personality trait... it is one of least attractive ones that you can have. And if it is obsession about another person, that's the worst kind of obsession to be guilty of. No one uses the term, stalker, as a compliment, do they? Yet, they will turn that exact phrase when they think that you are thinking about them too much.

2) Too much thinking about anything can drive you bonkers.

Have you ever been stressed out about something and that was all that you could think about before? Of course, we all have. And have you ever noticed that you rarely come up with any good solutions in that frame of mind? The best thing that you can do sometimes is take a mental vacation from your problems, and thinking about your ex girlfriend and wondering what it is that she is up to is one of the best reasons to take a mental break for a while.

3) The more attention that you give to the break up, the worse you are going to feel about it.

When you put too much attention on the thing that hurts, what does that do? It makes it hurt even more, right? Well, that is exactly what you are doing when you are giving the break up too much attention. Just like a doctor tells a kid to think about something fun before they get a shot, you need to think about good stuff if you want to get her back. Thinking about the break up is just adding to your misery and making things worse than it has to be. Why do that to yourself?

The BEST thing that you can do is to learn a strategy that works to get your ex girlfriend back. You know how good it feels when you finally get a solution to a problem that you have been having. Get a proven strategy to get your ex girlfriend back and you can get that same feeling, knowing that you will end up back with her.

UK Dating Website, Dating In London, Dating For Disabled UK, Disabled Dating Website, Date A Millionaire, Date The Rich, Disabled Dating Site, Adult Dating Website, Naughty Dating, Soulmates Dating Buddies, Midnight Love, Online Dating Website, Senior Dating Website, Mature Dating, Christian Dating Singles Soulmates Dating Buddies, Midnight Love, Hookup Heaven Adult Dating. Visit now and register for the optimal chance of finding the right partner for you. Source.